Patio Nectarine Rubis Tree

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Patio Nectarine Rubis Tree

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Fresh juciy Nectarine fruits from the supermarket are an ever more common treat nowadays, but imagine growing your own in your garden – or even patio or balcony if you have limited space. The clever plant breeders at Zaiger, the world-leading fruit tree breeder in the USA, have worked their magic and created Nectarine 'Rubis', and teamed it up with a commercial ultra-dwarf rootstock. The result is you can grow fresh juicy Nectarines in pots right here, and it will not get to more than 1M in 5 years or so – very easy and manageable. Nectarines are renowned for amazing Spring blossom displays too. 'Rubis' produces a cloud of fragrant deep-pink flowers, tightly wrapping the branches each Spring. Necatrines do blossom earlier than some friuits, so you may need to protect from late frosts. The flowers, with the assitance of bees and insects, are self-fertile. But a simple tip to massively increase crops is when in full flower, use a simple artists soft paintbrush, and move from flower to flower, dragging pollen with it. The fruitlets will set and appear quite quickly, and swell over Spring and Summer. Do not worry if a few fall off – it's the trees way of telling you irt is supporting enough fruit already. In August, you will get lovely red-skinned, yellow-fleshed juicy fresh Nectarines to pick and eat yourself – delicious fresh and still warm from the suns rays. Grow you own Nectarines right here in the UK – easy to grow in pots.

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