Patio Apple Sun Red Bare Root


Patio Apple Sun Red Bare Root

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Have you ever wanted to pick fresh apples form your garden, but simply don't have the space. Now new Apple 'Sun Red' (R) may well be ther answer. Developed from extensive hybridisation by the clever breeders at Zaiger, the US-based leading fruit tree breeder, especially to meet the needs of gardeners short of space. The result is a gorgeous deep red skinned, juicy early apple, perfect to pick off the tree in even the smallest of gardens. Best grown in large pots, so you can move your tree in a few years too if you move house! The beauty of these well-branched trees is you get a mini-tree, not just a straight up column, so you get loads more fruit from the same space. Apple 'Sun Red' blossoms in April, and is self-fertile, so you will get good crops wherever you are. You will then harvest the juicy red fruits in September and October. Eat soon after picking, or store for a few weeks as you would supermarket fruits. 'Sun Red;' – making it easy for you to grow your own apples.

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